Cesar Harada for securing the invite, Nate Mook, Dave Troy and the rest of the TEDxOilSpill team for all their hard work.
Press Coverage
Fast Company
TED Blog
Vancouver Observer
Boing Boing
Related Links
Cesar Harada
The Senseable City Seaswarm website
SENSEable City Lab
“This scares everybody — the fact that we can’t make this well stop flowing, the fact that we haven’t succeeded so far.”
- Doug Suttles, BP COO
TED conferences bring together the world’s leading thinkers and doers for a series of talks, presentations and performances. TEDxOilSpill tackled the tough questions raised by the recent and ongoing environmental catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. Topics included mitigation of the spill and the impending cleanup efforts; energy alternatives; policy and economics; as well as new technology that can help us build a self-reliant culture.
Update: For those who were wondering what subject matter was contained within this “banned” TEDxOilSpill talk, this would be your answer.
TEDxOilSpill tackled the tough questions raised by the recent and ongoing environmental catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. Topics included mitigation of the spill and the impending cleanup efforts; energy alternatives; policy and economics; as well as new technology that can help us build a self-reliant culture.
Cesar Harada and I were supposed to present oil eating, self propelling robots, but at the last minute we backed out of presenting due to an unresolved intellectual property issue. The hosts of TEDxOilSpill, however, decided to announce it for us anyway. So, in all it’s glory, here is a video our idea presented at TEDxOilSpill. Not what we had in mind, but it’s still pretty cool.