Making the MTM snap!
I love mechanical design, and the MTM snap is a work of art. It's a small tabletop CNC mill designed by the Center for Bits and Atoms, and it costs around $650 (plus labor) to make.
First I helped make the CBA machine with the entire section. It was fun to get everyone together and involved. At one point, both sections were in the CBA shop and working side by side. Things got a little crazy, but fun nonetheless.
Assembling the Spindle:
Talking to Jonathan I learned to assemble the spindle, since it's a bit tricky and some of the parts are hidden. I made some sketches and put together a quick "how to."
MTM #2 with Joe:
I also helped Joe build his, since building it with just one other person would allow me to better understand how it works. We weren't able to finsih becuase we were missing some key parts, but accomplished quite a bit.