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Ling-Li Tseng 2014

Making is play.First we imagine, then we create.

Week9- Input Devices

measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you've designed and read it

  • Technology: circus deign
  • Material: PCB board and electronic components
  • Function: sensing
  • Year: 2014

I have trouble installing driver of usbtinyisp for windows. The timeout message confused me and I cannot find proper device show on the device manager. After many try with TA and other classmates, I decided to use MAC ……. ( Believe me, we have tried a lot….. google almost all website …. but fail still) Therefore I am a bit behind this week, but I will catch up soon!!!! This link might be useful to get the driver correct.
Window users can try it.

Project 02e

Project 02e
error message
I made a light sensor board, and was able to send the program to the t45. However, the light sensor doesn’t work well. I run the python code provided on class website, and the number stay 1023 without changing.
I also try step response sensor. The board is correct ( see the happy green light on AVR), but fail to upload program on it. The issue might just come from the lack of experience of using MAC.
Project 02e
Project 04a
Since facing so many issues of drives and interface, I decided to make a Fabduino for my final project, which can run on Arduino interface. I use Oliver’stutorial to mill the board. I have no idea why there are some unmill area, and after milling two more board I decided to remove those unmill part manually. It is about ready to solder components together. However, I was too tired to make the soldering correct……. I will try again soon.

For practicing the programing process, I borrow one board to test embedded LED blink code………………… and finally I got this thing success. I will continue updating the input device test.
Project 04a
Project 02b
Project 02c
Project 02c
Project 02c
Project 02c