How to make (almost) anything

Tim Fallon - 2014


Hi! Thanks for visiting my MAS863 - How to make (almost) anything page. I'm a PhD student in biology who, in addition to the wonders of the natural world, is intrigued by technology, design, and engineering. My training is in biology/biochemistry, but I have managed to scrape together a decent working knowledge of computers and electronics. My hope is that this class will help me bridge the gap from programming and breadboarded electronics to building big specialized stuff in the real world. With some luck, I hope that I can apply the skills I learn to build some custom instruments for my research. Maybe even unleash an artistic side? I suppose once you know how to make (almost) anything, the sky is the limit!

Class stuff

I am in the Architecture lab section (MIT Central)

Other stuff

If you're interested in this sort of thing, the page for my lab: Unfortunately I don't yet have a proper personal website... Some day

Your Name

  • Email:tfallon at mit dot edu