[13] Networking and Communications
I created an asyncronous with one Bridge an three nodes.
What I did in this session:
- Design a Circuitboard.
- Use SNB-20 to mill the board.
- Solder components to the board.
- Program the microcontrollers to work in an asyncronous network.
Design the Circuitboard
This week I decided to join follow the asyncronous network Hello World Board.
- Miil the board in the SMB-20.
- Solder the components.
- Program the board
I played with the board and I found that you are able to name a lot of the boards with the same name. This is very useful since for my project I want to control at the same time the intensity of the LEDs with one board.
What I did is name the Bridge Board "0" and then all the Node Boards were "1". When I sent the Node 1 instruction, all of the boards responded. In my project I am going to try to send information tho my Node boards to control the light intensity of my LEDs
Since the end of the semester is near, I spent more time perfecting my capacitive buttons, you can see the documentation in the Final Project Update