How to Make (almost) Anything

Aubrey Simonson



Week 01: computer-aided design

Week 02: computer-controlled cutting

Week 03: electronics production

Week 04: 3d scanning and printing

Week 05: electronics design

Week 06: computer-controlled machining

Week 07:embedded programming

Week 08: molding and casting

Week 09: input devices

Week 10: output devices

Week 11: networking and communications

Week 12: mechanical machine design

Week 13: interface and application programming

Week 14:wildcard

final project


section: cba

pronouns: he/him/his

I'm a first year graduate student in the Object Based Media group. I'm interested in virtual reality. In particular, I like developing interfaces and interaction techniques for engaging with immersive experiences and the virtually real, and the idea of using virtual reality to archive and preserve locations and experiences which can't otherwise be saved.

In my spare time, I rock climb (I climb at CRG, I'm about a V3 climber, exclusively bouldering, and I've never climbed outdoors), and house manage the co-op where I live with 20-some-odd other people.