week 8: input devices
8.1 choosing a sensor
8.2 designing board
This week's assignment is to "measure something" - we need to add a sensor to a microcontroller board that we design and read it!

choosing a sensor

I'd like to choose a sensor that I'll use in my final project to track a dancer's movement (speed and/or position and/or orientation) through a wearable device. So this week I'm going to make a simple board with an accelerometer to track acceleration and orientation in the x, y, z direction. To keep things simple and attainable this week, I'll be following Neil's helloworld example with ADXL343BCCZ. It will have almost the same components, but I'll replace the ATtiny45 with the Attiny44 so that I have extra pins to add LEDs that can respond to values on the accelerometer.


designing board

There are Eagle footprints for all the components except ADXL343BCCZ. I'm going to try building a footprint for them (but I'm working under a time crunch this week so worse comes to worse I can pull the traces from Neils board to fit my own ..?). Turn to trusted Sparkfun tutorials for a quick guide on making custom footprints in Eagle.Following the hardware specs in the datasheet ( I feel like I should also check them against an actual part in the lab to make sure that I have the right datasheet or packaging ...), I made a footprint, schematic, and device for the component in Eagle

ADXL343 Eagle footprint

Trying to draw the board schematic, it was harder then just swapping out the ATtiny45 for the tiny44. I need to understand the ADXL343 better so dive into the datasheet.
