Week 5: Electronics Production

Milling, soldering, and programming, round 2

After the struggle that was week 3, I'm interested to see if I can make this go any more smoothly than before.

Learning to use Eagle

A new software, a new adventure.

Schematics, rats' nests, and routing.

I found Eagle really intuitive, which was surprising, because I rarely find computer things intuitive! But after getting over the initial panic that I always experience after lecture and recitation, and asking Zach for help with determining what the components are, I found the process quite enjoyable. I first just re-drew Neil's echo board, without adding anything to it. I then made a new version, where I added a button, LED, and current-limiting resistor. I really enjoyed the routing process- there's something intensely satisfying about finding paths between elements on the board, drawing them, and fitting them in so they don't cross anything else. I then downloaded the python script to create a .png file of the traces and the outline to use at the mill, ran it, and got my first error.
I guess I should have realized that things were going far too smoothly to be real, and that I was being overly optimistic to believe that the whole week's work would be this easy, but I then spent the next several hours trying to figure out what was going wrong. The error was especially confusing, because it worked once on the board that didn't have the LED, but then failed the rest of the times; on my re-designed board, it consistently came up with errors. I re-drew the boards twice more, just to see if there was something wrong with the design, but no luck.
After a night of rest, I looked more closely at the script, the error messages, and the strange files that were being generated by the script. I noticed that while the script was supposed to look at several layers of the .brd (board) file, compile the images, and generate a monochrome .png, it seemed to be making layers off of the schematic. I'm not sure why it was doing this, but after I deleted my schematic (which otherwise, sounds like a bad idea), the script worked fine and gave me my hard-earned .pngs. Whew.

Design files:

First Eagle experience: just copied Neil's echo board.

Making my own schematic, this time, adding a button and an LED. The schematic's a bit unsightly, but it worked!

The pre-routed board, aptly named "ratsnest".

The routed board. I actually really loved the routing process!

The slew of errors that materialized when I tried to export the .pngs of my board.

An intermediate file produced by the confused python script. Looking at this helped me realize that the script was mistakenly looking at the schematic, not the board.

Making the board

Spoiler alert: second time soldering is so much easier than first time soldering!

This part was straightforward and fun- I used the Roland SM-20 mill in the CBA shop to mill the board, then soldered all of the pieces on it. This time, it was much easier than when I tried it during week 3, and the soldering looked (to my untrained eye) pretty nice. Yay!

The milled boards. I made two just in case I damaged one during the soldering process (which I, unfortunately, did).

The components I soldered on to the board.

The stuffed board. Unfortunately, I forgot to move the FTDI header more onto the board to strain-relieve it. Something to remember next time.


Yet another stumbling block

This was the part that gave me the most grief a couple of weeks ago, and this week was no different. I had zero clue how to start, what plugged into what, and all the rest, so I went to the EDS office hours for some much-needed guidance. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my board to program, but here is what I tried:

The error I kept getting made it seem like the computer was unable to communicate with my board, which I thought meant that there was something wrong with the USB connections, but I found an entry for a low-speed USB device when I used the "lsusb" and "dmesg" commands to check. I'm not really sure what's going wrong here, but hopefully I'll get at least one board programmed by the final project. Electronics have so far given me a lot of trouble, but on an optimistic note, it seems like some part of the process has gotten easier each week. Granted, there have only been two electronics- related weeks, but I found the soldering process this week much more enjoyable (and faster) than week 3. Hopefully, next time I try this, it will be the programming part of the workflow that finally clicks.


Two weeks later (week7)

Thanks to copious amounts of help from Zach, I got this to work! Check it out!