Embeded Programming


This week, I decided to debug and program the first electronic board I made the previous week.
Weirdly, even before I start programming, when I plug my board into the USB port, LED was turned on. I thought It was a sign that the board was working. But It wasn’t. I can not bootload my board.
So I checked the voltage and connection with the multimeter to check why LED on my board was turning on and I could not bootload my board. I figured out LED was directly connected to power and wasn’t connected to the switch.
So I connected the missing connection using a jumper wire.
but when I connect to the Atmel to bootload my board, LED on Atmel was trurning green but still I keep getting an error message that bootloading is failed.
When I checked the schematic, I found one airline. The capacitor was not connected to the microcontroller.
So I soldered two jumper wires, One line is from the capacitor to the microcontroller, and the other is from LED to the button. While soldering jumper wires, I accidentally took the on-trace out. So I added one more jumper wire. So I ended up adding three wires.
After debugging, I successfully could boatload my board using Atmel and edbg in Demicran's computer.
After bootloading my board, the computer recognized my board.
I could check computer could read my board or not at the port tap in the Arduino.
I wrote a simple code on Arduino: LED brightness fading and so brightness can change. And button will restart the LED animation.