Molding and Casting

This week, I wanted to make the jewerly storage where I can put my earings and rings. but since I can cast several products using mold, I want the storage that can be located and assemble together that user can layout together.


First, using 3d modeling tool,NX which I familiar with, I designed the storage which looks like a cloud but also the patternised shape can be layout and assemble together. After modeling the storage, I made a mold modeling.
After finishing the mold design, I sent the file to jen. and she said she kept getting the error message that the surface has a problem. she said the half-sphere should be distorted a little bit. and also distance between the pegs and the products were so close, so I had to re-size the product and re-locate the pegs.
With Jen's help, I could fix the problem and finally, mastercam read my file any surface problems, now I could mill the wax.
The next step was to pour the Oomoo into the wax design to create a mold. Oomoo is stored in 2 bottles. This is because mixing the 2 chemicals that create Oomoo starts the curing process. To keep Oomoo liquid, it needs to be stored in parts. I mixed the parts together 1:1 ration, and poured the Oomoo into my wax design.
After I poured the Oomoo, I have to hit the mold hard to the desk, so that I could pop the bubbles out.
Next day, I could take the mold out.
I mixed the powder and water 60:40 ratio. and pour it into the mold.
I clamped two molds tight and poured the mixed powder into the mold. But I found out the hole I made was too small so it was tough to pour it through the hole.
Somehow It turned out like this with many holes in them. And it starts cracking.
I figured out a few problems. First, The thickness of the product is too narrow, only 2mm. It was very breakable and fragile. And also, I didn’t properly pop out the bubble makes a lot of holes. And Most importantly, the ratio was wrong. It should be less water. so the mixture should be more creamy rather than watery.
So I mixed power and water again using less water and pour it again into my mold.
This time I had a better mold! But still, I can see some cracks on the edges. But it was much better quality than the previous one.
I cast multiple times so I could display multiple products together. Even I really like the clacked ones:)