Week 01
CAD Design, GIT, and Website Design.
This week we were tasked to utilize the vinal cutter to make anything, and the laser cutter to make a kit meant to be assembled with press joints. Both of these tools only operate in two dimension; however, they are both incredibly versitile. For example, in the vinal cutter one can simply cut out sticker, but also cut screen printing masks, sand blasting masks, fabric patters and more. For my project, I started by cutting a sticker. Initially I was given a design by a friend - they wanted me to cut out the logo for their lab. I imported the logo into adobe illustrator, editted it and saved it as a PNG. (The vinal cutter will accept a PNG or SVG file type). For more precision projects, you can model the work in CAD and save it as a DXF, only to import into illustrator and save as a PNG.

Additonally, I used this week to practice CAD. I did this in fusion360. I made a mug as well as a ship that I did for another class.