This week's assignment was to incorperate output devices into my microcontroller workflow, I also combinded this into my networking week by using a UART connection. I am using this as a continuation of last weeks thermal receipt printer. Where as last week I focused on building the box, manufactoring the circuit board and writing code for the buttons - this week I used a UART, the printer's datasheet and the adafruit library to send commands and text to print.
Highlighting some challenges I ran into that I'll exand on below: I had a difficult time linking the adafruit module in my projects, ultimately I realized that it was easiest to clone a copy in the local directory. Additonally, there was a bug in which micropython didn't recognize the time module. Thoughout this project, I was able to get a better understanding of how to link/incoorperate custom modules in my embedded projects.
Credit to adafruit for writing the inital library
Pulling out the commands to warm up the printer and initialize it to print.
Outputing various text. I've printed a business card, and barcode.