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Week 1:

Introduction + CAD

  1. Individual assignment:
    • model (raster, vector, 2D, 3D, render, animate, simulate, ...) a possible final project,
  2. Group assignment:
    • Do your lab's safety training.
    • Characterize your laser cutter's focus, power, speed, rate, kerf, joint clearance, and type.


So let's begin this journey. As a researcher I'm interested is in making data more tangible, specifically data classes such as memories and emotions. I’m also fascinated by the future of molecular data storage such as DNA based data storage, its potential applications, interfaces and interactions.

My vision around this is focused on three main topics:

As I enter life at MIT, I'm also very interested in the previous attempts of individuals to “record their lives”, life-caching etc. For example Bucky Fuller’s Dymaxion Chronofile, and the potential to transform exhaustive, perishable physical archives and/or energy consuming / non-sovereign cloud based archives into molecular based dense storage for certain data classes.

Another recent inspiration has been the humble (and largely forgotten) cassette tape. Especially after watching Perfect Days. It got me thinking about many things, but in particular, the notion of slowing down, being even more present to notice the beauty in the everyday.

What if cassette tapes are the future after all?

Somehow this varied set of thoughts and references led me to an initial idea that I might explore: a 'memory printer’ that works with futuristic cassettes to explore memories through deep time. Powered by ultra-dense, hyper long-term 'infinity' cassettes.

Below are some initial and rather crude sketches of the idea. Potentially a little bit too Love Hulten but interesting to think through for now.