I used this week to work on my final project: Anemoia Device focusing on the following goal:
Create a web interface that could control 4 pumps over a local network or Internet (WiFi) connectionIn the previous week, I had created a board for my final project, the Anemoia Device. I ordered some pumps and wired everything up. I found however that my board did not work as expected:
After debugging, I redesigned the board and created a new one; the Anemoia PCB v 0.5. I soldered components to the board, wired everything up and this time it did work as expected.
Next, I built on a previous program I used to test a single pump to test the pumps out. I then wrote an application that would do the following:
int pumpState[numPumps] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
// Function to toggle the pump state
void togglePump(int pump) {
if (pumpState[pump] == 0) {
digitalWrite(pumpPins[pump], HIGH); // Turn pump ON
pumpState[pump] = 1;
} else {
digitalWrite(pumpPins[pump], LOW); // Turn pump OFF
pumpState[pump] = 0;
And a function to handle toggle requests
void handleToggle() {
if (server.hasArg("pump")) {
int pump = server.arg("pump").toInt();
if (pump >= 0 && pump < numPumps) {
server.send(200, "text/plain", "Pump " + String(pump) + " toggled!");
} else {
server.send(400, "text/plain", "Invalid pump ID!");
} else {
server.send(400, "text/plain", "Missing pump ID!");
With that all setup, I then tested my interface with the pumps. I faced a few issues with reliable WiFi connection with the XIAO ESP32S3 which I will have to look into more deeply for a final presentation of the project. Typically unplugging and plugging back in works and at worst having to hit the reset button. However, when everything is assembled this will become trickier.
After managing to connect reliably to WiFi, the toggle buttons worked as expected after a few tries. The main issue was loose wiring as currently I’m working with simple cables that are pretty easy to dislodge particularly with the setup I have.
An end-to-end demo and the code used for this week in full are below:
// Wi-Fi credentials
const char* ssid = "####";
const char* password = "#######;
const int pumpPins[] = {2, 3, 4, 5}; //relay modules
const int numPumps = 4;
WebServer server(80);
// web interface
const char webpage[] = R"rawliteral(