Final project inspiration

My original idea was a mood ring, but then after many nights struggling with electronics, I decided NOT to go so small. I could mood ARTWORK but make it more *vibey*. My idea consists of two steps: 1) A token that you carry with you that tracks your "mood" via the motion throughout your day, and 2) a visual display much like what you see below that would not be static by dynamically change to reflect the "mood" of the day. Giving a new definition to mood lighting. :) 

Originally, my idea was a remake of the 90s mood rings - I decided to go with this instead since I think I would actually use this and it would be more realistic to produce for my skill level.

See a preview iteration here

Sketch of idea

Doing this week!!

Since the end of the semester will be VERY busy, I mapped out time to tasks (trying to give WAY more time than needed to each task) because stuff always comes up last minute or goes wrong. I really like blocking whole days to just think about the task at hand, large swaths of time instead of an hour here and an hour there - works much better for my focus.

I also outlined an overall system diagram with a list of my components for each: 

Each assembly above has a deeper dive on the assembly below. I know I didn't need to go into that much detail, but does this saves me time when I open Fusion Eagle to design the schematics.

I decided to go with the ESP32-S3 Sense. It will allow the visual display to have MODES. One mode would display the info collected throughout the day, one mode would be a "live" display where a camera would influence the display, and finally a static display.

After chatting with a few TAs (Anthony and Yuval), I thought maybe the ESP32-S3 WROOM-2 was the best choice, but as you can see the busyness of my board would be overkill, which the ESP32-S3 Sense would get the job done and be less complicated to produce.

Mode set up