This week for machine building week, the EECS section built a "Barduino", a drink mixer and dispenser. You can find our detailed documentation here I was a part of the UI/Integration team, and our task was to ideate and implement higher level organization between the other subgroups and design the user experience. Our subgroup met early on in the weekend to discuss tasks. We summarized that we needed:
My task was detailing this experience in order to design how each subgroup would interact, such as figuring out what the order of rotating the table and pumping the liquid was, or how we should load the cups, or when stirring should happen. I found that each subgroup had a different idea for what the user experience would look like, so much of this was not finalized until the last two days.
I also detailed what the higher level functions were, and what we needed each subgroup to be able to control ie. degrees the table would rotate, amount of time the liquid was being pumped. Robin, Alicia, and Kathy were a big help in the final integration of these functions, including how to parallelize the pumping and how the central Pico would communicate with the subcomponents.