The code below is scratch work.
All other code and relevant files can be found here: This includes python code as well as stl test files.
The summary slide is copied below for reference, but please refer to the presentation link for documentation:
What does it do? Discrete element simulation of voxels, aimed at examining failure modes
Who's done what beforehand? There are a lot of tools for simulating these structures, but not so many focused specifically on failure. The DEM work from Erik and Neil in the DEM chapter is the most direct relationship.
What materials and components were used? This is written in Python and makes use of taichi for acceleration, pyvista for handling meshes, numpy/scipy for various array calculations, and matplotlib for visualization.
What processes were used? This mostly draws on the discrete elements chapter, though that chapter in turn does draw on the ones before it.
What questions were answered? A lot of my personal questions about setting up a discrete element method were answered. Working toward an answer for “is DEM suitable for simulated buckling/fracture/etc in voxel structures?”
How was it evaluated? Mostly qualitatively currently, comparing against real measured results
What are the implications? If it worked this could be a useful prototyping tool for voxel design.
import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mesh ='final/dogbone_type_5.stl')
voxels = pv.voxelize(mesh, density=2.0) # converts to voxels
# 2 gives us 116 points
glyphs = voxels.glyph(factor=0.75, geom=pv.Sphere()) # this converts the geometry to other primitives, where factor scales it.
centers = voxels.cell_centers().points
N = centers.shape[0] # number of particles
# system parameters
total_mass = 0.5 # kg
gravity = 10 # m/s
diss = 1e-4 # dissipation
# particle parameters
p = np.copy(centers) # particle positions <- this is what we'll update
v = np.zeros_like(p) # velocities
a = np.zeros_like(p) # accelerations
# material parameters
mass = total_mass/N # even masses
m = mass*np.ones_like(p)
k = 1e8 # N/m spring constant... maybe modulus actually
# simulation parameters
dt = 0.0001 # time step
[1. 1. 1.]
dist_tree = KDTree(p)
dd2,ii2 = dist_tree.query(p,k=2) #get the nearest neighbor, dd2 will be [distance to self (0), and lattice pitch]
pitch = dd2[0,1]
eps = 0.001
q_radius = np.sqrt(2)*pitch + eps # radius we should be within
ind = dist_tree.query_ball_tree(dist_tree, q_radius)
# print(ind)
# print(len(ind))
dd, ii = dist_tree.query(p,k=9,distance_upper_bound=q_radius)
# print(dd)
# print(ii)
# print(dd)
# print(dd2.shape)
# print(dd2)
# print(ii)
# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# ax.plot(centers[:,0],centers[:,1],'ro')
# ax.plot(centers[ii[0],0],centers[ii[0],1],'ko',alpha = 0.5)
# ax.axis('equal')
def get3Distance(p,ind):
N = len(p)
D = []
for n in range(N):
i = ind[n] # list of nearest neighbor's indeces
amt = len(i)
dists = np.zeros((amt,3)) # x,y,z for each component's distances
particles = p[i]
for j in range(amt):
dists[j] = particles[j] - particles[0]
return D
init_dist = get3Distance(p,ind)
def force_1D(d, di,bounds):
force = 0
distance = d - di
if di==0:
force = 0
if abs(distance/di) <= bounds[0]:
force = -k*distance
elif abs(distance/di) <= bounds[1]:
#spring_max = -k*bounds[0]*di
if distance < 0:
force = k*bounds[0]*di
force = -k*bounds[0]*di
# elif abs(distance/di) <= bounds[2]:
# pass
elif distance/di <= -bounds[1]:
force = k*bounds[0]*di
# if abs(distance/di) <= 0.85:
# force = 1e7 #something
# elif abs(distance/di) < 1.15:
# #apply spring force
# spring = -k*distance
# force = spring
return force
bounds = [0.15,0.25,0.35]
dist = np.linspace(0,2,100)
forces = np.zeros_like(dist)
for i in range(len(forces)):
forces[i] = force_1D(dist[i],1,bounds)
# forces = force_1D(dist,di)
plt.xlabel("fractional distance from neutral")
def forceLaw(d, di, force, grav=False, dis=1e-5):
force law per particle, as a function of:
d - distance current
di - initial/neutral distance
force - force law
dis - dissipation
f - force on particle from nearest neighbors (array of 3-vectors of length neighbor amount)
f = np.zeros_like(d)
N = d.shape[0]
dim = d.shape[1]
bounds = [0.15,0.25,0.35]
for i in range(N):
for j in range(dim):
f[i][j] = force(d[i][j],di[i][j],bounds)
if grav:
f[i][j] += gravity
f = np.sum(f,axis=0)
return f
force_law = forceLaw(init_dist[0],init_dist[0],force_1D,grav=False)
[0. 0. 0.]
def integrateForward(p,v,a,mass,init_dist,forceLaw,dt,dis=1e-5):
di = init_dist
d = get3Distance(p,ind)
N = len(d)
for n in range(N):
a[n] = 1/mass*forceLaw(d[n],di[n],force_1D,grav=False)
a += -dis*a #dissipation
v += a*dt
p += v*dt
return p,v,a
p,v,a = integrateForward(p,v,a,mass,init_dist,forceLaw,dt)
import pyvista as pv
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
import taichi as ti
[Taichi] version 1.4.1, llvm 15.0.5, commit e67c674e, osx, python 3.10.10 [I 05/19/23 15:20:27.723 4577298] [] Graphical python shell detected, using wrapped sys.stdout
ti.init(arch=ti.cpu) # initialize taichi
mesh ='final/dogbone_type_5.stl')
print("File import complete")
voxels = pv.voxelize(mesh, density=1.5) # converts to voxels
# 2 gives us 116 points
print("Particle conversion complete")
glyphs = voxels.glyph(factor=0.75, geom=pv.Sphere()) # this converts the geometry to other primitives, where factor scales it.
centers = voxels.cell_centers().points
N = centers.shape[0] # number of particles
print(f"Particle amount: {N}")
[Taichi] Starting on arch=x64 File import complete Particle conversion complete Particle amount: 448
# brute force find the nearest neighbors to instantiate system.
dist_tree = KDTree(centers)
dd2,ii2 = dist_tree.query(centers,k=2) #get the nearest neighbor, dd2 will be [distance to self (0), and lattice pitch]
pitch = dd2[0,1]
eps = 0.001
q_radius = np.sqrt(2)*pitch + eps # radius we should be within
# print(q_radius)
dd, ii = dist_tree.query(centers,k=27,distance_upper_bound=q_radius)
# print(dd)
# print(ii[np.nonzero(dd==np.inf)])
# print(ii)
[ 0 1 6 224 7 225 230 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448 448] [[0.75 0.75 0.75] [0.75 2.25 0.75] [2.25 0.75 0.75] [0.75 0.75 2.25] [2.25 2.25 0.75] [0.75 2.25 2.25] [2.25 0.75 2.25]] (448, 3)
# system parameters
total_mass = 0.5 # kg
gravity = 10 # m/s
diss = 1e-4 # dissipation
# material parameters
mass = total_mass/N # even masses
k = 1e2 # N/m spring constant... maybe modulus actually
# simulation parameters
dt = 0.001 # time step
# taichi vector fields for position, velocity, acceleration
p = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float, shape=(N,)) # positions
p.from_numpy(centers) # population position with values from centers
v = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float, shape=(N,)) # velocities
a = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float, shape=(N,)) # accelerations
f = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float, shape=(N,)) # forces
# distance tree
dist_tree = KDTree(centers)
dd,ii = dist_tree.query(centers,k=9) # nearest neighbors in 3D
ind = ti.Vector.field(n=9,dtype=int,shape=(N,))
d = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float,shape=(N,9))
di = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float,shape=(N,9)) # this is the initial or neutral distance between points
x_min = np.amin(centers,axis=0)[0]
# print(x_min)
x_max = np.amax(centers,axis=0)[0]
# print(x_max)
edge_index = np.nonzero(centers[:,0]==x_max)[0]
# print(edge_index)
ei = ti.field(ti.i32,edge_index.shape)
def getNeutralDistance():
dim = di.shape[1]
for n in range(N):
for i in range(dim):
di[n,i] = p[ind[n][i]] - p[ind[n][0]]
getNeutralDistance() # initialize the neutral distances
def getDistance():
dim = d.shape[1]
for n in range(N):
for i in range(dim):
d[n,i] = (p[ind[n][i]] - p[ind[n][0]])-di[n,i]
def getSpringForce():
dim = d.shape[1]
for i in f:
for j in range(dim):
f[i] -= -k*d[i,j] + 0.5*v[i]
def stepForward():
# get forces
# spring force
# update RELATIVE displacements d
for i in ei:
f[ei[i]] += [10,0,0]
for i in f:
# gravity
# f[i] -= [0,gravity,0] # gravity in y
# dissipation
f[i] -= diss*f[i]
# apply loads
# integrate forward
for i in p:
a[i] = 1/mass * f[i]
v[i] += a[i]*dt
# boundary conditions
if p[i][0] == x_min:
p[i] = p[i]
p[i] += v[i]*dt
# system parameters
total_mass = 0.5 # kg
gravity = 10 # m/s
diss = 1e-4 # dissipation
# material parameters
mass = total_mass/N # even masses
k = 1e2 # N/m spring constant... maybe modulus actually
# simulation parameters
dt = 0.001 # time step
# taichi vector fields for position, velocity, acceleration
p = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float, shape=(N,)) # positions
p.from_numpy(centers) # population position with values from centers
v = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float, shape=(N,)) # velocities
a = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float, shape=(N,)) # accelerations
f = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float, shape=(N,)) # forces
# distance tree
dist_tree = KDTree(centers)
dd,ii = dist_tree.query(centers,k=9) # nearest neighbors in 3D
ind = ti.Vector.field(n=9,dtype=int,shape=(N,))
d = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float,shape=(N,9))
di = ti.Vector.field(n=3,dtype=float,shape=(N,9)) # this is the initial or neutral distance between points
x_min = np.amin(centers,axis=0)[0]
# print(x_min)
x_max = np.amax(centers,axis=0)[0]
# print(x_max)
edge_index = np.nonzero(centers[:,0]==x_max)[0]
# print(edge_index)
ei = ti.field(ti.i32,edge_index.shape)
def getNeutralDistance():
dim = di.shape[1]
for n in range(N):
for i in range(dim):
di[n,i] = p[ind[n][i]] - p[ind[n][0]]
getNeutralDistance() # initialize the neutral distances
def getDistance():
dim = d.shape[1]
for n in range(N):
for i in range(dim):
d[n,i] = (p[ind[n][i]] - p[ind[n][0]])-di[n,i]
def getSpringForce():
dim = d.shape[1]
for i in f:
for j in range(dim):
f[i] -= -k*d[i,j]# + 0.5*v[i]
def stepForward():
# get forces
# spring force
# update RELATIVE displacements d
for i in ei:
f[ei[i]] += [0.01,0,0]
for i in f:
# gravity
# f[i] -= [0,gravity,0] # gravity in y
# dissipation
# f[i] -= diss*f[i]
# apply loads
# integrate forward
for i in p:
a[i] = 1/mass * f[i]
v[i] += a[i]*dt
# boundary conditions
if p[i][0] == x_min:
p[i] = p[i]
p[i] += v[i]*dt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='3d'))
# print(p)
plot_p = p.to_numpy()
# print(plot_p)
for i in range(30):
# print(p)
plot_p = p.to_numpy()
[W 05/19/23 15:30:20.048 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$31660] Global store may lose precision: f32 <- f64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.048 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$31683] Global store may lose precision: f32 <- f64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.048 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$31706] Global store may lose precision: f32 <- f64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.139 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$31925] Global store may lose precision: i32 <- i64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.139 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$31948] Global store may lose precision: i32 <- i64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.139 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$31971] Global store may lose precision: i32 <- i64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.139 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$31994] Global store may lose precision: i32 <- i64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.139 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$32017] Global store may lose precision: i32 <- i64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.139 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$32040] Global store may lose precision: i32 <- i64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.139 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$32063] Global store may lose precision: i32 <- i64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.139 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$32086] Global store may lose precision: i32 <- i64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.139 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$32109] Global store may lose precision: i32 <- i64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 189, in ext_arr_to_matrix: mat[I][p] = arr[I, p] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [W 05/19/23 15:30:20.214 4577298] [type_check.cpp:type_check_store@36] [$32491] Global store may lose precision: i32 <- i64 File "/Users/mianasmith/Documents/2_NMM/ballz/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/taichi/", line 126, in ext_arr_to_tensor: tensor[I] = arr[I] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# don't actually think we want this
def getNeutralDistance(p,ind,dd):
N = len(p)
dists = []
for i in range(N):
index = len(ind[i])
return dists
NeutralDistance = getNeutralDistance(p, ind,dd)
def getForces(p,NeutralDistance,ind, force_law):
N = len(p)
F = np.zeros((N,3)) # forces in direction
# apply
force_law = 0