Connector generator
The most interesting idea I could come up with, is not really a component but rather a tool that makes components. Sorry! I just think in tools! So for now I am documenting that idea.

When I was working on my pix2knit project, I had to connect a lot of things with different connection systems. For instance, a 20x80 beam to a nema motor, or to a bearing. It would be great to have a more efficient workflow to design these 3d models.

I've been using the following components:
Another thing that might be important is the to note is the angle on which these things are attached. Common angles might be:
I found a few libraries to look into that write STL files with javascrip like OPENSCAD. Quentin Bolsée suggested using Onshape and hiding it behind an interface.

In the future, it might even be possible to compute a parametric model for a CoreXY machine with a tool like this.
Prototype (3/14)

The prototype is built with three.js. I managed to write a function that merges two STL at an angle on the Y axis.

Currently, I can upload two stls, but a next step is to design the components for connectors listed above, with an overlap where they would intersect. I also think the rotation should be addressable for all three axes, and add orbit control.

Prototype (3/21)

I've added a live update view, and made some 3d models for the different components. I do think I'll need to write STL from scratch, since things are getting more complicated. For instance, corner bracket elements might need some support between the components.

I also wonder if these things have to be modular, or can be generated entirely as an STL file written by ChatGPT. Since it is able to generate code, it also seems able to

Free Universal Construction kit
Rapid prototyping of Rapid-Prototyping Machines MAS.865 Spring 2024