Chance Jiajie Li/Week13 - mechanical design

Created Wed, 06 Dec 2023 01:44:03 -0500 Modified Thu, 21 Dec 2023 07:07:39 -0500
193 Words

Week13 - mechanical design


group assignment:

  • design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation+application
  • build the mechanical parts and operate it manually
  • document the group project and your individual contribution

Group Machine

Our group documentation is here: Group Documentations for Machine WEEK CBA 2023

Individual Contribution

1st Iteration

In my role as the master controller for the camera rails, I had the responsibility of overseeing and managing all camera rail operations. In version 1 of our project, which was based on Modular Things, Cayden and I designed and implemented a comprehensive control panel interface. This interface had multifaceted functionalities, allowing me to render web elements, calibrate and precisely actuate stepper motors, and gradually control servo rotations. This version laid the foundation for the project’s control system.

Source Code

2nd Iteration

In version 2, Sam and I took the initiative to improve the project’s overall design and user experience. Using Figma, I meticulously crafted an enhanced user interface. This not only improved the visual aesthetics but also streamlined the user interaction with the system. This second iteration marked a significant step forward in the project’s development, making it more user-friendly and visually appealing.

Source Code