Hello! I am Manu, graduate student in Molecular Machines at the MIT Media Lab! This page chronicles my adventures with a pipette in the Spring of 2020.
Ethics, safety and security Week 1
Ethics, safety and securityWeek 1
Biodesign Week 2
BiodesignWeek 2
Protein Design Week 3
Protein DesignWeek 3
Next Generation Synthesis Week 4
Next Generation SynthesisWeek 4
Hardware & Cell-Free Systems Week 5
Hardware & Cell-Free SystemsWeek 5
Circuits and Sensors Week 6
Circuits and SensorsWeek 6
Genome Engineering Week 8
Genome EngineeringWeek 8
3D Bioprinting and Biofabrication Week 8
3D Bioprinting and BiofabricationWeek 8
Bioproduction Week 9
BioproductionWeek 9
Gene Drives & Ethics Week 10
Gene Drives & EthicsWeek 10
Engineering the Gut Microbiome Week 11
Engineering the Gut MicrobiomeWeek 11
Measurement and Imaging Week 12
Measurement and ImagingWeek 12
Final Project Week 13
Final ProjectWeek 13