Week 6:

Electronics Design

This week I learnt how to design a PCB using Eagle software. I redrew the echo hello-world board. I modified the circuit design by adding 2 LEDs and a switch. In the process I also learnt the basics of electronics. Routing the board was a bit challenging for me. I spent a lot of time figuring out how to use Eagle. I wanted to draw the board in paisley shape but didn’t know how to make precise curved shapes using eagle. So I ended up making a polygon shaped board.

modified hello board
Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 9.52.07 PM
milling the board
Programming using fab ISP

Redrawing the Schematic in Eagle

Drawing the schematic helped me understand the electronic components and connections. Also David helped me understand some electronics concepts.I added the components using fab library. I used this tutorial to draw schematic in eagle. I connected two LEDs using 1K resistor in series and added a switch to the original design. I loved the Label option and it was helpful to avoid wire overlap in the connections.

Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 9.51.18 PM

Creating the circuit layout

This was the most difficult and time consuming step. I first placed all the components together matching the closest connections and then started making traces. There were lots of overlaps and I spent almost 3 hours drawing traces. I found out later that Eagle allows you to draw curved traces. I might try redrawing the hello board in paisley shape in future.
Board view_placing components together Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 9.52.07 PM

After making traces I used the DSR (Design rules) option on the left toolbar to check if my circuit was okay. In clearance menu I kept 16 mill the minimum clearance between objects.

Design rules clearance

It showed me some errors when I checked the clearance. So I changed my traces width from 0.016 to 0.014 to make sure I had enough space between wires and pads.

Design rules clearance error

Exporting as png files

I exported traces and outline as PNG files with a 2000 dpi resolution. After exporting I realized that I should have drawn the outline of the board on the dimension layer and not on the Milling layer

finalboard_traces Finalboard_interior

Milling and stuffing the board

I used the same steps as week 3. My outer dimension layer was too thick so when I sent the command to modela milling machine, it milled a separate border as the outline.

Milling IMG_0947
Milled board modified hello board

Programming the board

I programmed the board using the FabISP programmer that was created in week 3. Amir helped me to program the board. I used David Mellis's tutorial to program my board using Arduino.

Programming board using fabISP

Selecting programmer Selecting serial port

My programmed echo hello board

Hello board blinking