How to Make [Almost] Anything | Life + Times Of v.2019
Maharshi Bhattacharya | Masters in Design Studies
Harvard University | Graduate School of Design
Maharshi Bhattacharya | Masters in Design Studies
Harvard University | Graduate School of Design
Exo Assist Device
As my final project I want to merge my learnings in electronics and fabrication to work on something that has been of interest to me for a while. Like an ant or a termite colony that exhibits collective intelligence, or hints of a shared consciousness, I would like to make a device that could emulate what it would be like to have a Manifestation of the Wisdom of the Crowd.
Collective Intelligence in Nature
A headgear that emulates what it would be like to have a shared consciousness or a singular consciousness, where information processing manifests as wisdom of the crowd. A query is posed, a question asked, accompanied with constant visual feed; answered by everyone. Near-naked thoughts. All perception of the visual world is built by the crowd. What you see is constantly streamed across to the crowd and what you query is answered by everyone. Ubiquitous assimilation. The most common answer is filtered through to you.