Goal: Stream IMU data wirelessly from one microcontroller to another Software: Arduino IDE Hardware: Microcontroller (SEEED XIAO ESP32-S3), IMU (Adafruit BNO-08x Breakout), OLED (Weewooday 12864) Prior Experience: Streaming IMU data to OLED screen via microcontroller (wired and wirelessly) New Methods:
Previously: monitored IMU function on a microcontroller using OLED screen
Now: monitor IMU function on a microcontroller via wireless transmission to an OLED screen
Refer to the previous week for detail on I2C communciation with IMU and OLED
Only difference is now there are two ESP32-S3 communicating wirelessly
Client: Streams IMU data
Server: Receives IMU data and renders it on an OLED screen