Michael Chuah's page for MAS.864 The Nature of Mathematical Modelling

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Finite Elements

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MATLAB code output

The finite element result exactly matches the true solution for the beam bending displacement as both the solution and the Hermite interpolation basis function are 3rd order. 9-2 Beam bending under applied load at the tip 9-2 Beam bending under applied load at the tip 2 9-2 Beam bending under distributed load 9-2 Beam bending under distributed load 2
Auiui =
Aduidui =
Auidui =
Aui1ui =
Adui1dui =
Adui1ui =
Aui1dui =
Buiui =
Bduidui =
Buidui =
Bui1ui =
Bdui1dui =
Bdui1ui =
Bui1dui =
  +-                                 -+ 
  |            #1 - #2 + 1            | 
  |                                   | 
  |                     2          3  | 
  |            2 conj(x)    conj(x)   | 
  |  conj(x) - ---------- + --------  | 
  |             conj(h)            2  | 
  |                         conj(h)   | 
  |                                   | 
  |              #2 - #1              | 
  |                                   | 
  |               3          2        | 
  |        conj(x)    conj(x)         | 
  |        -------- - --------        | 
  |               2   conj(h)         | 
  |        conj(h)                    | 
  +-                                 -+ 
           2 conj(x) 
     #1 == ---------- 
           3 conj(x) 
     #2 == ---------- 
A =
[  1200000/h^3,  600000/h^2, -1200000/h^3,  600000/h^2]
[   600000/h^2,    400000/h,  -600000/h^2,    200000/h]
[ -1200000/h^3, -600000/h^2,  1200000/h^3, -600000/h^2]
[   600000/h^2,    200000/h,  -600000/h^2,    400000/h]
b =
[ -h/2, -h^2/12, -h/2, h^2/12]

MATLAB code used

%% Meng Yee CHUAH
% Week 6 - Finite Elements

%% 9.1 (c)
close all; clear all; clc;
syms x h;

cubicMatrix = [1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 0; 1 h h^2 h^3; 0 1 2*h 3*h^2];
u = [1 x x^2 x^3]';
phi = (cubicMatrix\eye(4))'*u;
dphi = diff(phi,x);

Auiui = int(phi(1)^2,x,0,h)+int(phi(3)^2,x,0,h)
Aduidui = int(phi(2)^2,x,0,h)+int(phi(4)^2,x,0,h)
Auidui = int(phi(1)*phi(2),x,0,h)+int(phi(3)*phi(4),x,0,h)
Aui1ui = int(phi(1)*phi(3),x,0,h)
Adui1dui = int(phi(2)*phi(4),x,0,h)
Adui1ui = int(phi(2)*phi(3),x,0,h)
Aui1dui = int(phi(1)*phi(4),x,0,h)

Buiui = int(dphi(1)^2,x,0,h)+int(dphi(3)^2,x,0,h)
Bduidui = int(dphi(2)^2,x,0,h)+int(dphi(4)^2,x,0,h)
Buidui = int(dphi(1)*dphi(2),x,0,h)+int(dphi(3)*dphi(4),x,0,h)
Bui1ui = int(dphi(1)*dphi(3),x,0,h)
Bdui1dui = int(dphi(2)*dphi(4),x,0,h)
Bdui1ui = int(dphi(2)*dphi(3),x,0,h)
Bui1dui = int(dphi(1)*dphi(4),x,0,h)


%% 9.2 Beam bending
E = 1e4;            % Young's modulus
I = 10;             % Moment of inertia
nElements = 10;    % Number of elements
L = 100;            % Length of beam
nNodes = 2*(nElements+1);
% Distributed load at each element
% f = 0;
f = -1;
% Global load, F = [force, moment, force, moment, ...]
F = zeros(nNodes,1);
% F(end-1) = -1e2;  % Tip force

d2phi = diff(phi,x,2);

for j = 1:4
    for i = 1:4
        A(i,j) = int(E*I*d2phi(i)*d2phi(j),x,0,h);
    b(j) = int(phi(j)*f,x,0,h);
A       % Element stiffness matrix
b       % Element force vector
% Elements of length h = 1
A = subs(A,h,L/nElements);
b = subs(b',h,L/nElements);

K = zeros(nNodes);
r = zeros(nNodes,1);

for i = 1:2:nNodes-2
    % Form global stiffness matrix K
    K(i:i+3,i:i+3) = K(i:i+3,i:i+3)+A;
    % Form global force vector r
    r(i:i+3) = r(i:i+3)+b;
r = r+F;

% Find displacement vector u = K\r
% For boundary condition u0 = 0 and udot0 = 0 (Cantilevered beam)
u = K(3:end,3:end)\r(3:end);

x = 0:L/nElements:L;
% Exact solution for tip force
y = 1e2/(6*E*I)*(x.^3-3*L*x.^2);
% Exact solution for distributed force
y2 = -1/(24*E*I)*(x.^4-4*L*x.^3+6*(L^2)*x.^2);

figure('Units','inches','Position',[0 0 6 4.5],'PaperPosition',[0 0 6 4.5]); 
plot([0; u(1:2:end)]); hold on; plot(y2,'-r');
xlim([0 nElements]); legend('Finite element solution','True solution','Location','Best');
xlabel('Number of elements'); ylabel('Vertical displacement');
title('Beam bending under distributed load');
saveas(gcf,sprintf('9-2 Beam bending under distributed load 2.png'));
saveas(gcf,sprintf('9-2 Beam bending under distributed load 2.fig'));