Upload the png at the correct size and inverted to carve away all of the black and leave the traces.
Fab Module takes the exported png (sized 2×3″ for the board) and computes the tool paths, notice the circular solder points could be problematic.
Using OmniGraffle to create all of the components on the board and connect them with traces.
Now that the traces are all connected, we can move components around freely and maintain the schematic layout of the board.
Shantell working in Omnigraffle before switching to illustrator to fill in the whitespace.
Notice the black line cutting across the traces? I didn’t, but that was unfortunately due to a bug and my interest in having the mill remove all excess copper.
Milling is looking good, so I thought
Milling the fabISP Shantell edition.
Figured I would try making one out of the copper tape as well, but this proved to be much more difficult. I’ll definitely return to this machine, but perhaps with a more kind layout
Final boards, programmed and ready to go… Sort of. The only one that actually works is the resonator FabISP.