Testing laser power for cutting and scoring (only cutting half way through)
Epilogue laser cutter in action.
The resulting cardboard unfortunately only cut through in the top left of the bed, and barely scored the bottom right.
First sample, which I realized was not going to work, as I forgot a couple of dimensions and placed the punch holes 60 degrees off from where they should be.
Sorry environment, no time for cutting these all out by hand.
Success! A single fully functional side of a tetrahedron.
Top view of my assembled tetrahedron. I didn’t expect it to look so complex. I think this is how transformers would design a rose.
Not so complex looking from this angle. Can you tell how they are supposed to press fit with another?
My familiar friend, Illustrator. I decided to learn something new and use symbols to replication shapes and have them update instantly. This is about as parametric as Illustrator gets.
If it didn’t crash 3 times in the process and layer the GUI elements on top of each other, this would be the best tool for the job, I could make all of the relationships I had drawn on paper.
I wanted to use the cloned objects here, but I realized that what I really wanted was to share a variable for a single side, rather than the whole object being cloned.
Using different colors to control the laser power.
For me, this was the best application for specific measurements and precise alignment.
3 of the 5 platonic solids. 4 faces, 8 face, 20 faces. All can connect to each other since they all have the same trox interface.
To make a dodecahedron, I used 5 troxes to create pentagon sides, then put together 12 of those to create this 60 sided polyhedron.