We designed what our final project would look like in as many ways as possible.
Project 2: Press Fit Construction
Built a rising stand for my desk external monitor based on the
press fit desk my gf bought for me.
Project 3: Electronics Production
Mill a circuit board and stuff it with components.
Project 4: 3D Scanning and Printing
3D scan something. 3D print something.
Project 5: Computer Controlled Machining
Make Something Big
Project 6: Electronics Design
Design a circuit board
Project 7: Molding and Casting
Machine a mold and cast parts
Project 8: Embedded Programming
LED and Button Action!
Project 9: Composites
All of the burlap
Project 10: Input Devices
Lets sense some environments =)
Project 11: Output Devices
Talk to your environment
Project 12: Networking
Input + Output combined
Project 13: Interfaces
Visualizing the SmartBoot
Project 14: Machine Design
Chess playing machine
Final Project: Smart Boot!
Wicked Smaht!
He who works with his hands is a laborer.
He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.