This week's assignment was to measure something by adding a sensor to a microcontroller board that we have designed and read it. Although I was curious about the different types of sensors that we saw in class, I realized that none of them was relative to the kind of "sensing" that my final project would require. So, I saw this week as a good opportunity to develop my own experimental input device and make an important update to my final project! This device was a set of conductive pads that I would need to embed on the external surfaces of my building blocks in order to make them communicate and exchange data, voltage and current. When I made my sensor work, I found some time to work with an IR sensor to remotely switch on and off the LED of the board that I designed back in week 4. It was interesting that I used the same board design for both of the exercises I made this week.
The details for this exercise can be found at the update 3 section of my project updates. I spent most of my time this week working on this update, and it proved extremely helpful for the development of my final project.