Learn from my mistakes! 

To find what you're looking for, "Control F" (Windows) or "Command F" (Mac) to search this page. The accordions below aren't up and running yet with the search function, but I've added everything at the bottom so that you can still find it if you search the webpage this way.  

Tips & Tricks

Click on the items in the list below to read my instructions and how-to's! 

How to setup your website and link it to the class website

See below for instructions if you are struggling to get your website linked for How To Make (Almost) Anything! 

To make your page, go to archsite > people (which is a folder) > + button in the upper menu > New Directory > name it without any spaces, I happened to name mine as BoHeatherBowman. Then, Scroll down and click "commit". Now, your new folder should show up in the people folder!

To make your page linked to the Architecture site like mine is, assuming you're one of the other architecture lab section students, go to archsite folder and click on index.html, and then edit that file directly. Scroll down to where your name is listed in the index.html code, and then beneath it write the link. You can see the text below my name, Heather Bowman, as an example :) Just copy-paste and replace it with the name of your folder and with your full name.

To make your site linked to the main class website, Go to classes > 863.21 > 863.21 site (repository) You will see your name listed in the index.html file in that folder as Your Name. Replace that text with a link like the link below.
a href="https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.21/Architecture/people/YourFolderName/index.html">Firstname Lastname
For example,
a href="https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.21/Architecture/people/BoHeatherBowman/index.html">Heather Bowman
Note, however, that I was unable to write the full url here; you will need to add a < at the beginning and at the end of this text in order for it to work. Like this:
< a href="https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.21/Architecture/people/BoHeatherBowman/index.html">Heather Bowman < / a >
In the index.html file you will see my name in there, you can find my code and copy-paste it for yourself if yours isn't working and you're in the Architecture section.

How to make a NicePage website

Go to Nicepage.com and download the desktop app. If you use NicePage to make your website template like I did, make sure to create all your content templates and all the pages you will need for the semester ASAP, since otherwise you'll have to pay the premium version later to be able to add more pages!! (As well as to be able to add a few other format types for content)

To add your NicePage website to the HMTAA class website, go to the export symbol in the upper rigtht hand corner of NicePage and export as HTML. Use command+F to find your NicePage Templates files, copy the files and paste them into your folder within the people folder located in your class section folder (e.g. archsite). Then, follow the instructions below for "how to use git to add your website updates". 

How to use git to add your website updates 

1) Open Terminal (or equivalent; command+space and search for Terminal on Mac)
2) Type "ls" into your terminal to view where you are (don't include those quotes). Probably, you are in your user folder; navigate with the following commands in terminal to get inside your Documents folder. Practice using the following commands in the terminal command line to see what they do!
ls = shows what's in the current folder
cd foldername = goes into a folder with the name foldername
cd ../ = goes up a directory into the folder above in the hierarchy that contains the current folder
mkdir directoryname = makes a new folder within the current folder, and n ames that new folder as "directoryname"
For example, type "ls", then type cd Documents. That should probably get you into your documents folder if you're on a Mac. Another option is to go into Downloads or Desktop (in which case you would type in cd Downloads, or cd Desktop) or really navigate to anywhere.
3) Next, check that you have git, by typing the following into the Terminal line (if on Mac)
git --version
4) Next, clone the class webpage. This will create a link locally. Do this by going to GitLabs, click the Clone button in the upper right of your section site (e.g. archsite), and copy the https authentication ersion. In the command line, type in the following:
git clone pathcopied (note that pathcopied is whatever you had copied to your clipboard from the GitLabs site)
5) Next, use "cd foldername" command to navigate step by step into your personal folder, e.g. archsite > people > BoHeatherBowman, by doing cd archsite and then cd people and then cd BoHeatherBowman, using ls to check
6) Next, make your website files and paste them into the BoHeatherBowman folder (or whatever you named your folder that's in the people folder)
7) Now, type in the following lines into the terminal and press the enter button after each line:

git status
git add .
git pull
git commit -m "updating my website"
git push

(if you get errors for git add . command, make sure you have a space between "add" and "." and then it should work
the git commit -m "updating my website" can be replaced with any comment in the quotes, this comment says what stuff you've changed
e.g. git commit -m "Bo updating website with NicePage content"

How to batch compress images on Mac for your website

Below are step-by-step instructions for how to reduce image file sizes quickly (e.g. compress all the .jpeg files in a specific folder) for your website.
0. Watch this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nbuqYw2OCw&t=103s & Ensure all your images are .jpeg & filenames have no spaces!!
1. First, install HomeBrew:
Open your terminal, and type in the following code and press enter.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
2. Type the following code into your terminal (after the prior code has finished processing) and press enter.
3. Then type the following and press enter:
brew install ffmpeg
4. Then type in
5. Download img_format_updated.py which is a python code made by Cameron, edited/updated by me. If you don't know how, download and open TextEdit for Mac, copy-paste the code and put it into a new TextEdit file, and save it as img_format_updated.py somewhere in your Downloads folder.
6. Type the following into the terminal:
python <script img_format_updated.py location> <your folder that your photos are in>
To get the <script img_format_updated.py location> for your specific computer, open file explorer and click and drag the file into the Terminal and it will paste the correct file path.
To get the <your folder that your photos are in> filepath, open file explorer and click and drag the folder into the Terminal and it will paste the correct file path (This will be whatever folder you want the new compressed photos to go)
For example:
python /Users/Heather/Downloads/archsite/people/new_folder/img_format_updated.py /Users/Heather/Downloads/Aphotos
6. If you have questions or if you're having trouble with it, feel free to reach out to me! (Check my About page for my contact info).  

Download Img_Format_Updated.py
How to compress videos to <1 MB for  your website


Go to this website, upload your file, click the gear button/icon, and select to compress based on file size (MB) being < 1 MB. 

Tip 2

Answer. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id suscipit ex. Suspendisse rhoncus laoreet purus quis elementum. Phasellus sed efficitur dolor, et ultricies sapien. Quisque fringilla sit amet dolor commodo efficitur. Aliquam et sem odio. In ullamcorper nisi nunc, et molestie ipsum iaculis sit amet.

Mistakes, Bloopers, & Oopsies

Click on items in the list below to see how I fixed each mistake.

Why am I getting errors for git add.? (error message git: 'add.' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.) 

Easy solution! You are typing in "git add." when in reality, you should be typing "git add ."! Make sure to include the space and that sould fix your problem :) 

How do I get rid of bubbles for molding & casting week?

Answer: Take your wax block (with silicone, oomoo, or some other material poured into it), lift it up, and drop it onto the table. You may notice some bubbles popping/releasing. Continue this for 2 minutes straight!

How to fix my PCB board png file milling in such a large dimension on the Roland?  

Answer: export on Mac with 1000DPI, and mill on the Roland on mods with 2000 DPI entered into mods.

Why is the Roland milling properly for the traces, but not completing the outline (only partial outline?)

Answr. rem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur id suscipit ex. Suspendisse rhoncus laoreet purus quis elementu


Useful ​Tips of the Week!!  

See below for instructions if you are struggling to get your website linked for How To Make (Almost) Anything! To make your page, go to archsite > people (which is a folder) > + button in the upper menu > New Directory > name it without any spaces, I happened to name mine as BoHeatherBowman. Then, Scroll down and click "commit". Now, your new folder should show up in the people folder! 

To make your page linked to the Architecture site like mine is, assuming you're one of the other architecture lab section students, go to archsite folder and click on index.html, and then edit that file directly. Scroll down to where your name is listed in the index.html code, and then beneath it write the link. You can see the text below my name, Heather Bowman, as an example :) Just copy-paste and replace it with the name of your folder and with your full name. 

To make your site linked to the main class website, Go to classes > 863.21 > 863.21 site (repository) You will see your name listed in the index.html file in that folder as Your Name. Replace that text with a link like the link below.
a href="https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.21/Architecture/people/YourFolderName/index.html">Firstname Lastname
For example, 
a href="https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.21/Architecture/people/BoHeatherBowman/index.html">Heather Bowman 
Note, however, that I was unable to write the full url here; you will need to add a < at the beginning and at the end of this text in order for it to work. Like this: 
< a href="https://fab.cba.mit.edu/classes/863.21/Architecture/people/BoHeatherBowman/index.html">Heather Bowman < / a > 
In the index.html file you will see my name in there, you can find my code and copy-paste it for yourself if yours isn't working and you're in the Architecture section. 

How to setup a site like mine: 
If you use NicePage to make your website template like I did, make sure to create all your content templates and all the pages you will need for the semester ASAP, since otherwise you'll have to pay the premium version later to be able to add more pages!! (As well as to be able to add a few other format types for content) 

How to add your website (index.html, or NicePage set of files) to the class webpage: 
1) Open Terminal (or equivalent; command+space and search for Terminal on Mac) 
2) Type "ls" into your terminal to view where you are (don't include those quotes). Probably, you are in your user folder; navigate with the following commands in terminal to get inside your Documents folder. Practice using the following commands in the terminal command line to see what they do! 
ls = shows what's in the current folder 
cd foldername = goes into a folder with the name foldername 
cd ../ = goes up a directory into the folder above in the hierarchy that contains the current folder 
mkdir directoryname = makes a new folder within the current folder, and n ames that new folder as "directoryname" 
For example, type "ls", then type cd Documents. That should probably get you into your documents folder if you're on a Mac. Another option is to go into Downloads or Desktop (in which case you would type in cd Downloads, or cd Desktop) or really navigate to anywhere. 
3) Next, check that you have git, by typing the following into the Terminal line (if on Mac) 
git --version 
4) Next, clone the class webpage. This will create a link locally. Do this by going to GitLabs, click the Clone button in the upper right of your section site (e.g. archsite), and copy the https authentication ersion. In the command line, type in the following: 
git clone pathcopied (note that pathcopied is whatever you had copied to your clipboard from the GitLabs site) 
5) Next, use "cd foldername" command to navigate step by step into your personal folder, e.g. archsite > people > BoHeatherBowman, by doing cd archsite and then cd people and then cd BoHeatherBowman, using ls to check 
6) Next, make your website files and paste them into the BoHeatherBowman folder (or whatever you named your folder that's in the people folder) 
7) Now, type in the following lines into the terminal and press the enter button after each line: 

git status
git add .
git pull
git commit -m "updating my website"
git push 

(if you get errors for git add . command, make sure you have a space between "add" and "." and then it should work
the git commit -m "updating my website" can be replaced with any comment in the quotes, this comment says what stuff you've changed
e.g. git commit -m "Bo updating website with NicePage content" 

How to add text and make fonts in inkscape: 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvrayWGk16c&list=PLql8YxX7kQIYLKItnVDX-z4zs7RDpt6Jd&index=2 (I used Snell Roundhand font type which looks like fancy cursive) 
How to make a heart shape in Inkscape: 
How to change colors in inkscape: 
How to rotate in Inkscape: 
Planning to sandblast my vinyl cut initials & heart, onto metal 

How to edit formatting of the text in HTML (bold things, new paragraph or new line): 
Whenever you change formatting, you use a < and then type in a letter and then a > symbol to start that formatting, and then type in some text that you want to have that formatting, and then type a < and then type the letter and then a /> after that, to end the formatting. For example, 
p = new paragraph 
b = bold 
br = new line 
To open a file with text editor from the terminal, type in: open -e file.txt For example, open -e index.html 

Mistakes, bloopers, and oopsies of the week: 

Didn't get proper laser cutter training in time:  Our group didn't get laser cutting training in time (only safety training, not how to actually operate the machine). To fix this, we called over the shop manager who was around in one of the shop rooms, and she was able to help give us a "crash course". 

Errors for git add . 
I kept getting errors when typing git add. into the terminal command line. Turns out I simply forgot a space! 
It was supposed to be "git add .", not "git add." 

Couldn't figure out how to make a top-down assembly in OnShape from a master sketch: I kept having difficulties creating different parts in OnShape that would be linked together. Turns out all I had to do was hover over a part in the parts list, click the eye symbol to "hide" the part, and then proceed to make another sketch and as soon as I extruded that sketch, another part (Part 2!) showed up in the Parts list, yay! And they were automatically linked so I could call the same variables for dimensions for both of the parts. 

Favorite pre-existing websites on the class site: 

How to compress images automatically on Mac: 
1. First, install HomeBrew: 
Open your terminal, and type in the following code and press enter. 
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" 
2. Type the following code into your terminal (after the prior code has finished processing) and press enter. 
3. brew install ffmpeg 

How to batch compress images automatically on Mac: 
Below are step-by-step instructions for how to reduce image file sizes quickly (e.g. compress all the .jpeg files in a specific folder) for your website. 
0. Watch this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nbuqYw2OCw&t=103s 
1. First, install HomeBrew: 
Open your terminal, and type in the following code and press enter. 
          /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" 
2. Type the following code into your terminal (after the prior code has finished processing) and press enter. 
3. Then type the following and press enter: 
         brew install ffmpeg 
4. Then type in 
5. Download img_format_updated.py which is a python code made by Cameron, edited/updated by me. Open TextEdit, create a new file, copy-paste the code into the file, rename it as img_format_updated.py. (Open file explorer, and rename with that file name and the .py file type) 

6. Type the following into the terminal: 
         python <script img_format_updated.py location> <your folder that your photos are in> 
To get the <script img_format_updated.py location> for your specific computer, open file explorer and click and drag the file into the Terminal and it will paste the correct file path. 
To get the <your folder that your photos are in> filepath, open file explorer and click and drag the folder into the Terminal and it will paste the correct file path (This will be whatever folder you want the new compressed photosto go into) 
For example: 
         python /Users/Heather/Downloads/archsite/people/new_folder/img_format.py /Users/Heather/Downloads/Aphotos  
6. If you have questions or if you're having trouble with it, feel free to reach out to me! (Check my About page for my contact info) 

Download img_format_updated.py