Electronics Design

Electronics design in KiCad

I decided to design and construct a circuit that blinks when you click the button. I designed the board in KiCad, taking inspiration from the D11C blink design.

The components for this design are:

  • ATSAMD11c Microcontroller
  • a usb header
  • Pin Header 2x5 P1.27mm SMD
  • a button
  • 3 0 ohm resisters (as a bridge)
  • Linear 3.3V regulator
  • 1 microfarad resistor
  • an LED

I also added some kodama for kicks.


Next I milled the board on the Roland 260. I used an offset of 2, a max depth of 0.012 inches, and a cut depth of 0.004 in mods for routing the traces.


Then I soldered on the components