This week's assignment is to redraw one of the "echo hello world" boards designs and add at least a button and an LED. This week's topic is the first time that I feel totally out of my depth, and my troubles are compounded by the fact that I decided to take an out-of-town trip over the long weekend that essentially afforded me Tuesday and Wednesday to work on the assignment. After many hours of looking at EDA tutorials and electronics primers(thanks Anthony), I felt ready to start modifying the hello.D11C.echo.1 board. I chose Eagle over KiCad, as I am already integrated into the Autodesk cloud ecosystem, so it seemed like the logical choice. After adding a button, LED, and associated resistors, and moving components and traces around to compactify everything, my board looks like this:

eagle board

I then took the board and exported PNGs of the outline and traces so that I can mill it out.

board outline board traces

Here's the board that I milled and stuffed! I ran into some difficulty while soldering and delaminated the trace, which necessitated the insertion of a jumper wire, but other than that it was fairly straightforward.

fabricated board

Linked files:

Eagle Board

Eagle Schematic