Laser Cutting

For this assignment, we were asked to create a parametrically designed system of connected pieces by lasercutting sheets of cardboard.

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The chest plate fits alonf the curves of my body, tied to me with a single inelastic string.


I also assembled the laser cut pieces into a purse


It holds many things including a hamster (currently holding 2 notebooks, pens, and a lipstick).

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Here the kit of parts is shown.

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Laser Cutting process.

I ultimatley decided to create a series of pieces that could create wearable scultpural items, that could be added to, subtracted from, and bent in many ways to accomodate to different bodies.




The Process

Typical interlocking precedents had a sense of uniformity. There was an attempt to make sure there were no gaps, and that every piece fit together perfectly. I wanted to challenge that, developing a set of 3 scalene triangles, ensuring the gaps between forms. I used Grasshopper in Rhino that allowed me to adjust the size of the box joints for material thickness. My original box joint ratios came from the group project.

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Living Hinges

The inclusion of living hinges seemed essential to emulate the curvature of the body. Each of the 3 units had a simple living hinge added. This detail enabled unique connections as pictured.


Living hinges


Other Assemblies


  • Exploring living hinges enabled bending, but I wish I tested different dimensions or used a different quality cardboard as the pieces were prone to kinking
  • While in a flat state, the dimensions of the box joints worked well, the additional stresses of bending were too much for the system
  • How might I create an attachment system? In the photos I weaved a thin piece of twine between the gaps and tied it to my waist. Definitley did not provide a lot of support.