Ana Mata-Payerro
Final Project
Weekly assignments
Week 0 - Designing
Week 1 - Computer-controlled cutting
Week 2 - Embedded Programming
Week 3 - 3D Printing and Scanning
Week 4 - Electronics Design
Week 5 - Electronics Production
Week 6 - Molding and Casting
Week 7 - Computer-Controlled Machining
Week 8 - Input Devices
Week 9 - Output Devices
Week 10 - Networking and Communications
Week 11 - Interface and Application Programming
Week 12 - Machine Building
Week 13 - Wildcard Week
Hello! My name is Ana, and this is me learning How To Make (Almost) Anything
Some facts about me:
I'm a third year undergraduate at MIT studying computer science
I like arts and crafts stuff like crochetting and sewing
I really like music, I play bass guitar B)
I really like movies and tv shows! My current obsession is impractical jokers
My Projects
Final Project
Week 0: Designing
Week 1: Computer-controlled cutting
Week 2: Embedded Programming
Week 3: 3D Printing and Scanning
Week 4: Electronics Design
Week 5: Electronics Production
Week 6: Molding and Casting
Week 7: Computer-Controlled Machining
Week 8: Input Devices
Week 9: Output Devices
Week 10: Networking and Communications
Week 11: Interface and Applications
Week 12: Machine Building
Week 13: Wildcard Week