So after thinking of many different ideas, I thought it would be cool if I communicated remotely using the terminal, and created a drawing application on the terminal. The LED connected to the microcontroller will also showcase the color you're currently drawing with. You can also change the form of the "brush" to be either dots, Xs, or Os. A sketch of my idea is right here.
After comparing the chips and the coding languages, I decided to use the Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 microcontroller, since (1) the RP2040 datasheet was easier to read and (2) there are a lot of libraries for the RP2040 chip. I decided to use the Arduino IDE and code in C because there were the most tutorials for it and I picked it up pretty fast. Pictured are the Seeed Studio XIAO RP2040 microcontroller, and me succesfully running the example from class using the Arduino IDE.
I wanted the terminal to be more interactive than just typing and text, so I found this library called retroTerm ("retro terminal"). It was the only library that did somewhat what I wanted to do (make a GUI); the description was "A library for creating GUI-esque interfaces in a terminal emulator with a microcontroller." Here are some of the pictures from their github. Based on this, I knew I wanted to use it.
So to get retroTerm to work, I:
Here's a picture and a video of the final result. If I had more time, I would figure out a way to have more colors, and make it look nicer. It took longer than I thought to get used to the different libraries, but overall I'm happy I did most of what I wanted to do.
Click on middle of the video to play!