Follow along my weekly progress in how to make almost anything!
Recent Weeks
Week 2: Computer-controlled cutting
I made a neuron vinyl cutout also!! To do this I searched for sillhouette images of neurons and downloaded the image. I then imported it to Adobe Illustrator where I did outline as sillhouette such that I can modify parameters like the line thickness. This was important since I was miniaturizing the neuron sticker, I needed to make the lines thicker to print properly. Then uploading a png to the mods software was super user friendly. I gave a lot of my friends stickers!
Week 3: Embedded Programming
I chose to use this week to document my circuit and how I talk to my arduino :-)
I used the simulation to learn how to add a button to my circuit. Here when the button press is detected by the arduino turns on the LED pin. In my case, the button should open the solenoid for a fixed amount of time determined by the code onboard the arduino uno. I already have a pin sending to signal pin of relay that opens solenoid, so instead of changing LED_PIN i will change the SOLENOID_PIN when the button is pressed.