Final Project

Final Project -- A Steam Boat Water Quality Monitor

Design Idea

A small RC boat that can move around a pond, measure the water quality, and produce steam that changes colors according to the water pollution level. Several effects can be achieved: "smoke" (white LED), "poisonous gas" (green LED), and "on fire" (orange LED). When sitting still on water, the boat can simply function as a household humidifier.

The remote controller for the boat can be implemented by the magic wand idea I had in the input devices week with some added buttons.

Design Idea

Inspirations and Other People's Work

  • The LED mist effect was inspired by the FLO project that uses LEDs and humidifiers to create a fire effect.
  • The boat appearance was inspired by this product.
  • Many people have tried to build a small boat using propellers or water jets.
  • The water quality monitoring idea came from Yuval.
  • Materials, Components, Machines, and Tools


    Microcontroller Board Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 In stock
    Servo MG90S In stock
    3-6V DC Motor WWZMDIB In stock
    NeoPixel LEDs WS2812B In stock
    TDS sensor SEN0244 $12
    Mist Generator/Ultrasonic Water Atomizer SJ62X4-No Switch $10
    5V Battery In stock
    IMU BNO085 Adafruit 9-DOF Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout In stock
    FR1 single-sided copper board In stock
    FR1 double-sided copper board In stock
    3D-Printing Filaments In stock
    Plastic for Machining $
    More $


    Tasks and Schedules

    Task Method Progress/Schedule
    Body 3D printing or milling By Nov.20 (on going)
    Boat Circuits Milling & soldering Output devices week and Networking and Communications week
    Boat cover 3D printing By Dec.11
    Controller circuit Milling & soldering Input devices week (to be improved by Dec.4)
    Magic wand shell 3D printing By Dec.4
    Communications Programming Networking and Communications week (by Nov.27)
    Integration and testing - Now - Dec.17

    Boat CAD (Ongoing)

    boat body CAD

    TDS Sensor Testing

    With Tap Water

    With DI Water

    Boat Circuits

    soldered board
    soldered board

    Controller Circuits

    front of board
    back of board