Week 3: Embedded Programing

ASCII characters I wanted to use for a flame are not supported, but I like the aggressive red text too.

                #include   // Include a special library to help draw things on the screen
                    #include   // Include another library to talk to the screen we are using
                    #define BTN_PIN 5  // We are using pin number 5 on the board to check if a button is pressed
                    #define TFT_DC 2  // Pin 2 is connected to the screen's data command line
                    #define TFT_CS 15  // Pin 15 is connected to the screen's chip select line
                    Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);  // Set up the screen using the pins we just picked
                    bool lastButtonState = HIGH;  // Remember the last time we checked the button; start by thinking it's not pressed
                    bool currentMessageInfo = true;  // This keeps track of whether we are showing the message or not
                    void displayMessage(const char* message, uint16_t color) {
                      tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK);  // Clear the whole screen and make it black
                      tft.setCursor(0, 0);  // Put the "pen" in the top-left corner of the screen
                      tft.setTextColor(color);  // Choose what color the words will be
                      tft.setTextSize(2);  // Make the letters a certain size (2 times bigger)
                      tft.println(message);  // Write the message on the screen
                    void displayFireArt() {
                      tft.fillScreen(ILI9341_BLACK);  // Clear the whole screen and make it black
                      tft.setCursor(0, 0);  // Put the "pen" back to the top-left corner
                      tft.setTextColor(ILI9341_RED);  // Make the letters red this time
                      tft.setTextSize(1);  // Make the letters smaller for the art
                      // Now we are drawing a fire picture using special symbols
                    void setup() {
                      pinMode(BTN_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Set the button pin to be ready to detect when it's pressed
                      tft.begin();  // Turn on the screen
                      tft.setRotation(1);  // Make sure the screen is the right way around
                      // Show a special message with details when the screen turns on
                      displayMessage("IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters:\nThe deadline of review 374029 of submission 24-2685 is September 28, 2024.\nThis is 3 days from today.", ILI9341_WHITE);
                    void loop() {
                      bool buttonState = digitalRead(BTN_PIN);  // Check if the button is being pressed right now
                      // See if the button was pressed or released
                      if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {
                        lastButtonState = buttonState;  // Remember this new button state
                        if (buttonState == LOW) {  // If the button is pressed
                          // Show the fire art instead of the message
                          if (currentMessageInfo) {
                            displayFireArt();  // Draw the fire art
                            currentMessageInfo = false;  // We are no longer showing the message
                        } else {  // If the button is released
                          // Go back to showing the message
                          if (!currentMessageInfo) {
                            displayMessage("IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters:\nThe deadline of review 374029 of submission 24-2685 is September 28, 2024.\nThis is 3 days from today.", ILI9341_WHITE);
                            currentMessageInfo = true;  // Now we are showing the message again
                      delay(50);  // Wait for a tiny bit so the button doesn't get confused when pressed