WEEK 9: Output Devices

Group Assignment

We met with Marcello and Erik to measure the power consumption of Marcello's robot. They also gave us a bunch of helpful basic info on motors.

Individual Assignment

This week I'm taking a very simple route: using my hall sensor setup from last week to control the brightness of the LEDs on my new board. Adding to my simple code for reading the hall sensors last week, I used the esp32 built-in led channel function to assign each of my LEDs to a channel and then I did some simple math to convert the analog sensor values to brightness.

It worked well and gave me a great feel for the hall sensors as a control mechanism. The downside of this setup was the jumper wires causing everything to shift around a ton when I moved and making the sensors behave more unsteadily than they would otherwise, but I am feeling good about this as a proof of concept.


-- Code

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