Hey, I'm Alexander Htet Kyaw

I’m a researcher with a background in mixed reality, digital fabrication, robotics, biomaterials, deployable structures, digital twins, simulation, machine learning, and computer vision. He is interested in the integration of computation and emerging technology for human-machine collaboration in design, visualization, and fabrication.

Currently, I am pursuing a dual degree at MIT in Master of Science in Architectural Studies and Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Weekly Progress
Week 1
Reviews, components, and systems
Ideas, Ideas, Ideas
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Week 2
Component Specifications
1.[Speech to Reality Component] + 2.[Pick, Place and Fasten Component]
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Week 3
System Preliminary Design
Voxel Geometry and End Effector Design
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Week 4
Component Prototype
Folded Metal Prototype
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Week 5
System Engineering design
Mock Up Gripper + Actuating Fastener
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Week 6
Component Demonstration
Voxel Geometry, Actuating Fastener
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Week 7
System Prototype
System CAD Gripper + Actuating Fastener
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Week 8
Component Documentation
Actuating Fasterner
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Week 9
System Demonstration
Gripper + Actuating Fastener
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Week 10
System Development
Back to CAD, System Refinement
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Week 11
System Evaluation
Fastener / Connection Tests
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Week 12
System Document
Arm + End Effector
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Component and System Presentation
Improvements and Refinements
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