## Input devices week ### Previous work during Electronics Production During the electronics production week, I made a board that would light up several LEDs based on input from a potentiometer. This is to simulate a progress bar with input from a potentiometer. Here is a video of the board in action: From this time I learnt how to mill a board, solder different components and program the board in Micropython. ### Using a wind sensor to get wind direction For this week, I decided to use a wind sensor to get the wind direction. During Office Hours, Jake discussed several different ways of accomplishing this task including using anemometers, building a part-mechanical system with potentiometers or using a contactless rotary encoders, etc to sense wind direction. This was super useful information and after some time struggling to find something in stock, I was able to get the following [anemometer]( I decided to use the anemometer to get the wind direction. The anemometer has 4 blades and each blade has a magnet attached to it. The anemometer also has a reed switch that is activated when the magnet passes by it. The reed switch is connected to a voltage divider circuit that outputs a voltage between 0-3V. The voltage is read by the ADC pin (GPIO28) on the Pico. In order to understand the 4 terminal wires of the anemometer, I found the datasheet of the RS-FXJT05 which was in madarin. I then used Google Translate to translate the datasheet and found the following schematic diagram of the 3 pin connection method. ![schematic_wind_sensor](../media/week_8/schematic_wind_sensor.jpeg) I then connected the anemometer to the Pico, connecting the specified wire to the ADC input of the Pico W. For this week, I tested this on a breadboard, soldering some header pins to the Pico W. Next step, was to get the Pico to read the voltage from the anemometer. I used the following code to read the voltage from the ADC pin. ``` from time import sleep import utime from machine import ADC, Pin, I2C # reading an analong value with ADC wind = ADC(Pin(28)) while True: digital_value = wind.read_u16() print("ADC value =", digital_value) # converting it to voltage voltage_value = 3.3 * (digital_value/65536) print("Voltage: {}V".format(voltage_value)) # converting that into wind direction in degrees degrees = (voltage_value/3.1) * 360 print("Wind degree: {} degrees".format(degrees)) sleep(0.1) ``` In calculating the degrees I divided the voltage by 3.1 (instead of the claimed 3V) because the voltage divider circuit was giving me a voltage of ~3.1V when the anemometer was facing North. I am not quite sure why this might be happening but it could be that: 1. The ADC on the sensor or the Pico W is not reading the voltage correctly (or) 2. The sensor is out of spec In any case, I take an approximation of the voltage to be 3.1V and use that to calculate the degrees. Here is the video of wind sensor readings being outputted on a oled display: This concludes reading the input from the wind sensor and calibrating it to give the ground wind direction readings, however, I would like to add a GPS module to this to get the wind vector produced the motion of the boat. This is done to calculate the **True Wind direction and speed over water** by subtracting the boat's speed and direction from the apparent wind direction and speed. ![true_wind](../media/week_8/true_speed.jpeg) Things to do next: - Mill a PCB with the Pico W and relevant header pins / holes for oled display as output and anemometer and gps module as input. - Test and calibrate the true wind direction and speed calculation after adding the GPS module.