MIT Media Lab | The Center for Bits and Atoms | ]fall 2006[ |
[introduction] cad/cam, modeling, software
[press fit structure] laser cutter, vinyl cutter, plasma cutter/router
[printed circuit boards] pcb fabrication, board stuffing -
[cables] making molex<->serial and soic8<->parallel cables
[hello world] microcontroller programmingS
[coffee or tea] 3d scanning and printing
[input devices] sensors, instrumentation, light, sound, temperature, position, proximity-
[flexures] waterjet cutter, CNC milling and turning
[Friction Fit Flexure]
The intent for this project was to prototype a flexure using a "key" to link an infinite number of flexures together in series. A flexure is essentially a joint that bends such that the angle between the bending parts is increased and/or decreased. In order to machine the parts for the aluminum flexure I used the Omax numerically controlled waterjet cutter. The size of the waterjet cutting bed is 52"x26".
- Wear safety glasses
- Open Omax Layout
- Import your .dxf
- Color = quality of cut (1-5 and 5 is highest resolution)
- Select all to more, transform, scale, rotate
- green = traverse
- brown = lead
- click "clean" to close gaps
- rt-click "path" and "automatic generate" to create tool paths
- use "path" - "custom tool path options" to determine which side of a line you want the cutting path to be generated
- when you save too path you will generate the .ord file
[tool: omax waterjet, material: stone]