We never fully installed our potentiometers last week for the machine project here, and since we will need knobs for our final project, I decided to play around a little more with them and make sure to be able to read & write, as well as pass along, the data from them. I followed a simple particle system in Processing here to make a quick interaction at first with my mouse, and then with the potentiometers. I had a lot of studio work over Thanksgiving break, so I wanted to keep the visualization simple since we weren't going to use that in our final machine; however, we did start setting up the formwork for the plaster molds over the weekend.
This was just a quick re-drawing of a rectangle based on potetiometer OR mouse values:
// Update simple rectangle drawing, centered
void updateGraphics() {
rect(X_SIZE/2-values[1]/2, Y_SIZE/2-values[2]/2, values[1], values[2]);
I made an extremely simple sketch to accommodate sending Serial data from Arduino to Processing and assign different parameters to each potentiometer:
/* Arduino reading potentiometer data & sending to Processing
* ------------------
int pot_pins[] = {A0, A1, A2}; // input pins for the 3 potentiometers
int N_POT_PIN = 3;
int pt_readings[3];
int ledPin = 13; // debug LED pin
int val = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
int mapped_val = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
String message = "";
for (int i = 0; i < N_POT_PIN; i++) {
pt_readings[i] = analogRead(pot_pins[i]);
pt_readings[i] = map(pt_readings[i], 0, 1023, 0, 255); // remap pot values
message += pt_readings[i];
if (i < N_POT_PIN-1) {
message += ",";
I then integrated the Arduino sketch with the smoke simulation sketch in Processing, dynamically updating variables.
* Simple Read Integrating Smoke Particle System by Daniel Shiffman.
import processing.serial.*;
boolean bSerial = false;
ParticleSystem ps;
Serial sPort;
int[] values = new int[3];
float xScale = 100;
float yScale = 100;
float X_SIZE = 500;
float Y_SIZE = 500;
int backgroundColor = 255;
void setup()
size(500, 500);
if (bSerial) {
String portName = Serial.list()[11];
sPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
PImage img = loadImage("texture.png");
ps = new ParticleSystem(0, new PVector(width/2, height/2), img);
void updateVal() {
// Read values from Arduino (sent as a string, delimited by line breaks and commas)
if ( sPort.available() > 0) {
String sVal = sPort.readStringUntil('\n');
if (sVal != null) {
String[] sVals = split(sVal, ',');
for (int i = 0; i < sVals.length; i++) {
if (trim(sVals[i]) != ""){
values[i] = Integer.parseInt(trim(sVals[i]));
void updateMouseVal() {
values[0] = mouseX;
values[2] = mouseY;
values[1] = mouseX;
// Update simple rectangle drawing, centered
void updateGraphics() {
rect(X_SIZE/2-values[1]/2, Y_SIZE/2-values[2]/2, values[1], values[2]);
void updateParticles() {
// Calculate a "wind" force based on mouse horizontal position or Serial read
float dx = map(values[1], 0, width, -0.2, 0.2);
float dy = map(values[2], 0, height, -0.2, 0.2);
PVector wind = new PVector(dx, dy);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// Draw an arrow representing the wind force
//drawVector(wind, new PVector(width/2, 50, 0), 500);
// Renders a vector object 'v' as an arrow and a position 'loc'
void drawVector(PVector v, PVector loc, float scayl) {
float arrowsize = 4;
// Translate to position to render vector
translate(loc.x, loc.y);
// Call vector heading function to get direction (note that pointing up is a heading of 0) and rotate
// Calculate length of vector & scale it to be bigger or smaller if necessary
float len = v.mag()*scayl;
// Draw three lines to make an arrow (draw pointing up since we've rotate to the proper direction)
line(0, 0, len, 0);
line(len, 0, len-arrowsize, +arrowsize/2);
line(len, 0, len-arrowsize, -arrowsize/2);
void draw()
if (bSerial) {
else {