Sungi Cho's HMTAA Site! Sungi Cho HTMAA 2023


This is
Sungi's HTMAA Journal

A journey through expanding making/fab-ing capabilities, one project at atime

September 20, 2023

Second Post

here is stuff for the second class

September 25, 2023

Third Post

The third week. The week I hope I don't get picked. My weakest subject - anything course 6 related.... and maybe the entire social science academia....

November 8, 2023

Ninth Week

Input Devices - Figure out what the numbers mean. Write some code. Then still have no idea what the numbers mean

November 15 2023

Tenth Week

Ouput Devides - Buzzers and LEDs! Lets get something out of the code now!

November 22, 2023

Eleventh Week

Networking Devices - not the flashiest of weeks, but an extremely critical step in our path to the final project.