Week 8
Things I did this week:
Make (design+mill+assemble) something big
Unfortunately the CNC machine did not arrive in time. So the only thing can be done this week is design.
I designed a wooden hot air balloon.
expected outcome
Design -- make something big
Wanted to make rolling lamp. Made a test gyroscope with Skye. Designed the outer shape of the lamp.
Spent a whole night but it wouldn't fit to 2 boards.
Ended up taking a really long time to have Harvard shop available for us to do the assignment,
when it finally is ready, Skye and I were told that based on the way that the machine is oriented,
it was impossible to cut a 4ft by 8 ft board (the other half of the board would be blocked).
So instead, we went to CBA shop and John was very nice to help us. However, we didn't realize that the OSB boards
that two sections provided were not the same. Even though I did the design parametrically, the design was not able to
change to the correct size by one single parameter change.
As it was approaching the end of the semester, we got very busy and didn't make the design quickly.
When we finally did, we were told that there will only be one OSB board available for us to use. So sadly we
fell back to the tiny flower table idea that can actually fit onto a single 4ft by 8 ft OSB board.
Adding tabs.
The flower table!