
about me

Lincoln Craven-Brightman

Hey! My name's Lincoln, and I'm making this page as a senior at Harvard. I'm studying Physics and Math, with a minor/secondary in Computer Science. I enjoy makin' stuff, so I thought this class would be a blast, and it is! I'm interested in the ability to make functional things for my own life, the added options these tools give to making fun art projects, and just how damn cool some of these methods are.

Pic of me

Other stuff about me

I'm an avid outdoorsperson in a bunch of different areas. I mostly like hiking and bouldering, but I've been on some pretty cool mountaineering and sport climbing trips. My final project idea is something that I'd make for the Harvard Mountaineering Club, a historic group that I feel pretty lucky to be a part of. Here are some cool photos from my trips!

Greece Iceland More Greece cuz it was so sick

I also like to carve, along with some assorted other forms of woodworking. I've made jewelry for friends (and dates [and my mom]). As I said, I generally just like making stuff, but I've only done crafty things up until now -- So I'm psyched to be working on expanding those skills!

Earrings for the gf Ghibli carvings Wood burning Necklaces for my mom Soot sprite costume Neat wood grain wolf thing