00 > build a
personal site
01 > propose a final project
> press fit construction kit
> in-circuit programmer
> 3d printing and scanning
> computer controlled machining
> electronics design
> molding + casting
> embedded programming
09 > output devices
> input devices
> interface
+ application programming
12 >
group machine project
13 > final project
My initial intention with the design was to
have something constructed out of a single repeatable unit
and I was interested in enclosing a large volume relative to
the structure. I took inspiration from ribbed vaulting using
2D pieces to create a spherical like volume to design a
scalable "lampshade" that i modeled in Rhino &
Grasshopper with all parameters variable: number of members,
proportions, divisions, material thickness. All members are
identical except for the slot orientation.
I picked a scale and number of members that
would allow me to print all members of each negative on a
single sheet. I initially used Bristol 2ply though found
that it was not strong enough at the notches to hold and the
joints had weakened the pieces at these points so they
caused them to rip. Also when printed - the minimal slot was
only cut by the laser cutter as a single line.
Part 2 > Vinyl Sticker
A quick test on the vinyl cutter. I have some wall stickers
planned for the coming weeks.