Computer-Controlled Machining


    • I brought this design into Aspire to build my cut paths, and ran into all sorts of problems with joins. Even though Fusion recognized that I’d built a series of closed shapes, Aspire did not, and just saw a bunch of segments. I cleaned up my contruction lines and reimported, and it threw fewer errors and let me advance, and so I thought I was good to go.



Design (in Fusion 360)

Toolpath (in Aspire)


On the CNC machine, we noticed each line segment was treated separately, so Nathan said that was because when I imported the sketches from Fusion to Aspire, I didn't join the segments (honestly, I don't remember I miss any steps, I just followed the tutorial) It took a bit longer, but it turns out okay.


In hindsight, those round edges are a bit "outer" than those straight lines, and those horizontal pieces have wider slots than my design, so maybe that's also because of the join issue.
