Week 08 ~ input devices

Capacitive sensing

For my final project I wanto to make actuated velcro-like surfaces and it would be great if they had feedback about how far they have actuated/whether they have grabbed onto another surface.

Capacitive sensing sounds like it makes sense - I could add an extra conductive layer (copper tape) to the material and measure the change in capacitance as the surface is folded or as another surface approaches. I also got reminded of this research paper on integrating capacitive sensing into 3D printed metamaterials. It looks like there are a range of analog approaches to capacitive sensing, although the simplest approach using a microcontroller seems to be an RC circuit where you measure the time it takes for a circuit to respond to an input voltage, via the time constant t = RC. This can be done via two pins (one for sending the pulse, the other for reading the response of the circuit).

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Schematic in KiCad - I added extra pads to adjust the R and C values of the circuit.
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Milled board with soldered components; actual way I adjusted the resistance ...
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Making a capacitive sensor using copper tape: zig-zag faces will be connected in an alternating fashion to form two halves of a capacitor (i.e. half the faces will be connected to the sensor pin, the other half to ground)
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Reverse side of the sensor with connections to the milled circuit board.
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Compressing the sensor should raise the capacitance, C ~ A / d (where d = distance between plates, A = area overlap), increasing the time it takes for the sensor pin to react to the signal pin, via the time constant t = RC).
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With an oscilloscope hooked up to the ground and sensor pin, using the 'trigger' function to capture the discharge through the sensor.
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Zig-zag surfaces meshed together (with cavities to place copper foil?)
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Two flexible surfaces with copper-foil backing - one connected to ground, the other to the sensor pin. Using a wooden stick to isolate the test from 'human capacitance'.
Test weith two surfaces (video).
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Serial plot of two plates test; integrating David's low-pass filter code. The dip in the plot is when the two plates are touching: bringing the top plate back up, brought the value back up the original value (or close to!)
          CapacitiveSensor   cs_4_2 = CapacitiveSensor(4,2);        // 10M resistor between pins 4 & 2, pin 2 is sensor pin, add a wire and or foil if desired
          // Variables
            float reading = 0;
            float tare = 0;
          // Variables for Averaging
            const int totalSamples = 10;
            int index_avg = 0;
            int value = 0;
            float sum = 0;
            int readings[totalSamples]; // create an empty array of size totalSamples
          // Variables for Low Pass
            float filteredOutputPrevious = 0;
            const float RC = 0.100;
            const float dT = 0.01; // time in seconds
            const float C1 = dT/(RC+dT); // coefficient 1
            const float C2 = RC/(RC+dT); // coefficient 2
            float capsensor_output;
          void setup()                    
             cs_4_2.set_CS_AutocaL_Millis(0xFFFFFFFF);     // turn off autocalibrate on channel 1 - just as an example
          void loop()                    
              long start = millis();
              long total1 =  cs_4_2.capacitiveSensor(30);
              Serial.print(millis() - start);        // check on performance in milliseconds
              Serial.print("\t");                    // tab character for debug windown spacing
              capsensor_output = total1;
              // Serial.println(total1);                  // print sensor output 1
              //delay(10);                             // arbitrary delay to limit data to serial port 
              //float filtered_reading = batchAverageRead() - tare;             // Batch average reading
              //float filtered_reading = movingAverageRead()  - tare;           // Moving average read
              float filtered_reading = lowPassRead()  - tare;                   // Low pass read
              Serial.println(filtered_reading);                                 // send our reading over USB to the computer
              delay(dT*1000);                                                   // delay between reads in miliseconds (necessary for low pass)
          // Batch Averaged sensor reading ----------------------------------------------------
          float batchAverageRead(){
              sum = 0;
              for (int i = 0; i < totalSamples; i++){
                  sum = sum + capsensor_output;                           // sum totalSamples readings
                  delay(dT*1000);                                                    // wait for every reading! This is bad :(
              return sum / totalSamples;
          // Moving Average sensor reading ----------------------------------------------------
          float movingAverageRead(){
              sum = sum - readings[index_avg];                            // Remove the oldest entry from the sum
              value = capsensor_output;                              // Read the next sensor value
              readings[index_avg] = value;                                // Add the newest reading to the window
              sum = sum + value;                                          // Add the newest reading to the sum
              index_avg = (index_avg+1)%totalSamples;                     // Increment the index, and wrap to 0 if it exceeds the window size
              return sum/(float(totalSamples));                           // Divide the sum of the window by the window size for the result
          // Low Pass Filter sensor reading -------------------------------------------------
          float lowPassRead(){
              float filteredOutput = capsensor_output*(C1) + filteredOutputPrevious*(C2);  // All we need to do here is to measure once and do some fast multiplication with our coefficients! This is great :)
              filteredOutputPrevious = filteredOutput;                                          // And store our output for next time
              return filteredOutput;