HTMAA Week 1

Assingment Description: Plan and model a potential final project!

Link to the assignment page

Final Project Brainstorming

Final Project Page 

My initial idea was to create an information dashboard with an e-ink display powered by a raspberry pi pico. However, I decided to work on that project during weeks 2 and 3 instead and do something more ambitious for my final project, described here.   However, my initial work for week one is below. 

The Inky Frame 7 is a 7", 7-color e-ink display controlled by an onboard Raspberry Pi Pico W microcontroller. I have seen a few of these e-ink dashboards floating around the internet and it has been on my theoretical to-do list to make one for myself.

The basic idea of the project is to utilize the 'always-on' capability of e-ink displays to have a battery powered portible display on my desk for any purpose.

Description 1 Description 2

After a few CAD tutorials and some struggling, I created a crude model.