2:30am on a tuesday night.
For the final project, I want to re-explore the claycutting machine I previously designed using the skills I learned in HTMAA.
Here is a breif description of the idea through illustrated sketches and earlier protoypes:
Parametric modeling software, such as Solidworks, is crucial for product design due to its intricate computational power and precision. Nevertheless, the drawback of this potent capability is a confined 2D interface that represents the design being constructed. Enter ClayCAD, the next generation of hardware prototyping tools that aims to make the process of rapid prototyping in the digital age more tangible, while retaining the numerous advantages of computer-aided design software features. Although ClayCAD is still a work in progress, its future versions will have a different form factor.
The typical workflow for hardware product design involves several broad steps, with the prototyping stage and CAD modeling process being the most time-consuming. This is because the designer needs to scrutinize the physical model and make corresponding changes to the digital CAD.
ClayCAD boasts a gantry-like system that allows the user to perform operations manually with their hands. The encoders in the stepper motors accurately record any movements made by the user, as seen in the example above of the main wire cutting tool.
ClayCAD will be a array of machines and mechanism that hopes to mimick features in 3D modeling softwares like solidworks.
The machine will allow users to work physically and digitally, keeping track of each operations.
Previous protoype built without ideal user interface, created to test out the clay cutting ability of the machine.
Initally, I wanted to build the Claycutter, but I later decided that I can remake the clay cutter on my own time, and want to explore techniques more specific to this class.
I ended up deciding on make a card battle stadium that can read my cards using the phototransistor hack, which was very inspiring when Neil demostrated in class.
The inspiration came from my favorite childhood card game Yugioh, where there are these high tech hologram machines that present the monsters in the card through holograms once the card is inserted into the machine.